Thursday, November 12, 2015

Homework Midterm Update

Team 2 - Game Document Update for Midterm



 Our story, told in a linear fashion, will unfold beginning in an environment in a world familiar to that of ours. Our hero, Gaya, the child of Mother Nature, is awakened in a peaceful area of Eden that will provide a place for them to learn and practice these newly acquired elements (game mechanics) that they must use on their quest. Once leaving this Eden, Gaya will enter a world of turmoil and imbalance--the only progress will come through the mastery and practice of the elements to reestablish balance. A foreign race of creatures, Malterra, has destroyed Earth’s environment and is abusing these elements for their own desires. The Malterra will use these elements to fight our hero in combat. Gaya will use all four elements to battle the Malterra, to display balance of elements over the abuse of the single element being used by the individual Malterra. 


 We are using a fairly standard video game setup: our game runs on a computer, the graphics are displayed on a monitor, sound plays through whatever speakers are available, and the player interacts with the game by using a gamepad or a keyboard.


 We are currently working on models to represent our game’s main character, but the current model is the default mannequin. We have particle effects in place to denote the character’s current stance. Apart from the third person template map, we have one level that features maze-like mountain formations.


Our current player character can move around in three dimensions by running and jumping. The player can utilize a basic three-hit combo to attack enemies. In order to move from one combo attack to the next, the attack button must be pressed during a certain window of time. While attacking, the player cannot run or jump, but can slowly turn in order to fine-tune the direction of the attacks. The four stances can be activated with the d-pad on a controller or the T, F, G, and H keys on the keyboard, although these stances only generate particle effects at the moment.

Member Contributions

Itiel Agramonte: character models, simple map

Daniel Hoekman: character controls and attacks

Arthur Karapateas: enemy AI

Michael Uria: background music, sound effects

week 1:
Itiel Agramonte: finish Mixamo characters and animations
Daniel Hoekman: make character attacks functional, create enemy that can take damage
Arthur Karapateas: upload basic AI
Michael Uria: get music playing in-game

week 2:
Itiel: finish basic map
Daniel: give stances unique properties, work on combo system
Arthur: work on enemies
Michael: work on music, provide sound effects

week 3:
Itiel: map detailing and troubleshooting
Daniel: refine character attacks and abilities
Arthur: work on enemies/boss
Michael: finish music

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