Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Team 2 - Game Document - Homework 2 - 09/08/15

Team 2 - Game Document

Homework 2: 09/08/15

What type of game will you be creating?

Our game will be a beat ‘em up that lets players change between different “stances” in order to gain new abilities. The camera will remain in a third-person view, as is typically seen in this genre. Each level will feature a boss with a specific set of vulnerabilities that the player must learn and exploit in order to win.

What is the quintessential experience you'd like the users to feel?

When people play our game, we want them to feel excited. The sometimes hectic nature of beat ‘em ups will serve us in this regard, since the player will be constantly reacting to new threats. We also want the players to feel powerful and capable. The presence of enemies that are weaker than the player will help with this to an extent, but the protagonist’s “stances” will really sell the idea--switching between “stances” will allow players to adjust to certain situations and capitalize on enemies’ weaknesses.

What is the theme of your game?
            The theme throughout our game will be that of maintaining balance, whether it is in nature or through usage of the elements for combat. Throughout our game, the protagonist will encounter various scenarios that will test the player’s ability to use all four elemental powers; progression will only be able to occur through the use of multiple elements. The enemies of our game are those that only use one element for their own selfish desire, and our protagonist will use all four together to bring back balance to nature and the elements themselves.

Provide an initial storyline

            It’s been 100 years since the Malterra gained sentience, overwhelming the earth,   poisoning the air, polluting the waters, spreading disease and decimating the population of life on the planet. Mother Nature, as a last hope for saving the earth, has given the world her last child, Gaya. As Gaya you must master the four elements, traverse the lands to fight the Malterra, defeat their rulers that abuse the individual elements, and restore balance to the world before there is nothing left to save.


Breakdown of ideas:

1.     What type of game will you be creating?  [25 pts]
a.     3rd person BEAT-EM-UP
b.     fixed perspective camera
c.     many weak enemies, strong bosses that require thought to defeat
d.     The type of game we will be creating is a 3D, beat ‘em up with a single main character fighting many weak enemies and a large boss battle at the end of each stage. Looking for an aspect of the game to make unique and perfectible, the main character will have four modes continuously available which grant them access to different attacks and ways to traverse through their environment.
2.     What is the quintessential experience you'd like the users to feel? [25 pts]
a.     Exhilarating, exciting…
b.     A sense of Power

3.     What is the theme of your game? [25 pts]
a.     Harmony between Elements?
b.     Respect for Nature
c.     Balance
4.     Provide an initial storyline [25 pts]
-       Main Character name ideas (beat em up): Orion, Slash, Brawn, Gaya...
-       Antagonist abusing nature/the elements
Core things:
-Sight for Fight
-Sound for Story
-Something a person can perfect
-Some thought in order to proceed to next area (Boss Puzzles)
-Use four elements for different “modes” or “styles”
*subject to change* (think Udyr, the League of Legends character)
            -fire (speed, melee light hit)
            -air (flying, gliding, projectile)
            -earth (underground, melee heavy hit)
            -water (move through water)

-       change music depending on character “stance”
-       voice act the character against boss
-       sound effects for movement


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